High Quality Hand Sharpened Cuticle Scissors Of The Brand Stalex SC-10/1 20 mm blades

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easy access to the cuticle due to the thin blade tips
tapered blades
smooth cutting line thanks to the classic curvature of the blades
precise, accurate cut due to sharp, hand-sharpened blades
cropped handles for a small hand
classic ring size
ease of use due to soft, light running
additional protection of the tool against corrosion by polishing the surface with GOI paste
medical stainless steel


Stalex is a professional specialized tool designed for long-term use with the possibility of service. This series are recommended for manicure and pedicure masters, cosmetologists, eyebrow and eyelash extension masters.

If we take a closer look at the short barb cutter KM-00, then their distinctive feature is the elegant cutting part, due to which a very compact, even miniature tool is obtained. You can safely put it in your cosmetic bag.

All cutting parts are made of steel used in the production of surgical instruments, which is why they are completely safe and hygienic. Due to vacuum processing, it is possible to achieve special strength of the metal, which, together with manual sharpening, guarantees durability and reliability.